Imagine this..biking along the Friendship Bike Trail in Canada..looking for the campground that you're not too thrilled to get to. Canada is quite progressive, with solar panels in the fields and windmills supplying energy and geothermal heat. But Everything in Canada is expensive- the provincial campground of the nite before cost $36 for the 3 of us!
Anyway, here comes a shirtless guy our age riding his bike like it is just a mechanical extension of himself (which is how I feel about my bike). He asks us the usual ???
where are we from, where are we going. Then says, "Well, I'm an American from Buffalo and we have a cabin a couple miles back right on Lake Erie with a chalet out in back and you can stay there tonite if you want, take a shower, my wife and I will cook you supper..and we have beer and wine."
Say no more, Dan!
We had a wonderful evening sitting on the shore of Lake Erie with Lynn and Dan eating them out of house and home. The kindness of strangers, once again..
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