Monday, August 1, 2011

Snippets about Wisconsin

Wisconsin folks love their Green Bay Packers...maybe as much as we love our Red Sox?
There's lots of "ribbon candy" hills, just like Montana and ND....
There's so many pretty old farms and barns and lots of corn and soy fields.
People have huge yards that they keep very well mowed. Every day we pass by lots of folks mowing their's their state pastime...that and Little League...
Nice ball fields in all the little towns...
So many people have "lawn fauna"...bear, skunk, kissing Norweigen figures, and the almost life-sized deer...funniest lawn I saw had majestic looking deer....right next to the "venison cured here" sign!
Not every small town had the water tower, but many did...


  1. You nailed WI! Lawn fauna. Love it. BTW I always thought the funniest thing about WI dairy farms was the plastic dairy cows on the front lawn, when they had the real items in the pasture!

  2. Yes, I agree with the plastic dairy cow comment, too!
