Sunday, August 21, 2011

Our Maine trail angels by Mimi

Becky and Dave
In 2006, Fred & I backpacked the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail). We met so many fine hikers and blessed trail angels.
Two of our hiker friends were David & Becky. They moved from Colorado to Maine recently and David has been following our blog so guessed when we arrived in Maine. He emailed us offering us a stay in their apartment (which turned out to be too far away for our liking) OR they would come to our campground for a reunion "with treats". Their idea of treats was NOT a few granola bars but boxes of pizza, bread sticks, beer, & fruit!
Hopefully Dave & Becky got a piece or two-we were so busy devouring everything in sight while sharing conversations and laughter.
For an evening, we were again "Mama & Chia", and that was fine with us...

BTW, Dave & Becky completed the 2,655 mile PCT and went on to hike the entire AT (Appalachian Trail) and the CDT (Continental Divide Trail), which to us hiker trash is called "triple-crowning". That is quite a feat!

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