Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Rodney & Brenda
We took the short ferry ride across Lake Champlain, leaving New York and entering Vermont. We were SO wet from hours of riding in the rain. Even so, we could see how stunning Vermont is with its rolling, green hills, old red barns, and big old farmhouses kept in beautiful condition. Milk trucks passed us at high speeds, seemingly oblivious to our struggle on the pot-holed, narrow roads and splashing us, once getting Fred right in the face with a stream of dirty water.
We rode 50 miles that day to quaint Middlebury, where we were never so happy to see the friendly face of my old friend Brenda and enter the warmth of her house.Of course, first on the agenda was a hot shower, then laundry, and drying out our wet tents and supplies in her basement. She made us a spectacular meal and we met her husband Rodney, who helped Fred and Jim  with bike maintenance. We had such a good time that we hated to leave, especially since the rain hadn't let up! Less than 400 miles to go of our 4,300 mile trip....

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