There's a website called WarmShowers where touring bicyclists may be able to find a bicycle friendly host. We called "Joe", in Two Rivers, and asked if we could stay with him the nite before we needed to catch the ferry. Joe is retired (although he has 2 jobs?!) and he's an avid cyclist.
He had a prior commitment, so left his house key in a place we could find it "so we could shower and help ourselves to the frig" before he came back.
He and his lovely wife Carol let us shower, do laundry, gave us a bed to sleep in and insisted that THEY take US out for dinner. Unbelievable how sweet and accommodating they were to us. So don't believe everything you hear on the TV and news about the horrific things people do to each other...cuz let us tell you, there are WONDERFUL people out there in our world.....
Thanks for sharing the goodness of people!