Sunday, July 3, 2011

Finally, comments from Fred!

June 29
We made it over Lolo pass early in the morning and had a wild down hill ride for many miles. We arrived in Missoula and stayed two nights with Rob and Chelle Terwilliger, camping in their back yard. We spent one day off in Missoula to rest and resupply but did end up riding 18 miles exploring Missoula. We had to visit Adventure Cycling for our free ice cream and went back several times for more. Chelle fixed us a wonderful meal of rice and lentils and a fresh salad. I went to REI for new pedals and no longer have to listen to clicking with each pedal stroke. The next day we were off again for a 54 mile day to Orvando but it was a late start as we had breakfast with Mike and Laurie. They are off on the Trans Am to Virginia.

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