Thursday, July 14, 2011

Rest stop outside of Minot, ND

So after fighting crosswinds for 40+ miles, we stopped at a rest stop along the road. We saw this cowboy sitting in a chaise lounge reading a book. He came over to us, chuckling all the way, saying, "boy, the bicyclists heading west to Seattle are LOVING their tailwind! I bet your folks thought YOU were going to get the tail wind going thru North Dakota!"
I felt like kicking him in the shins with my Crocs...but then I noticed his steel-toed cowboy boots and thought better of that..
He went on to explain why he was at this rest stop reading his book and chatting with people. His house in Minot was still underwater...but it didn't matter too much cuz he claims the government is gonna take away his and his neighbors land anyway to make a "greenbelt" in town. When we exclaimed,"well, certainly the gov't will compensate you for your land, won't they?" he said, "Nope."
So glad I didn't kick him in the shins...

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