Sunday, July 24, 2011


Jim's sister Shirley drove all the way from Arizona to be our "support wagon" for a week. She met us in Alexandria, MN, on a day that we were SO hot and spent. She whisked us off to a motel where she soon had a cold beer and a grinder for us. It felt wonderful to be waited on.
She then carried the bulk of the items in our panniers for us each day that she was with us to give us a break from our 30+ lb loads.
Each day she drove ahead to the campground that we were planning on biking to and made sure it was satisfactory plus reserved us a spot. She had our favorite Peace tea and beer and snacks waiting for us. Jim would give his lil sister a shopping list of stuff he needed and she never failed to find his requested items.
She delighted us with her cheerful mood. We will surely miss her when her week of spoiling us is up!

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