Sunday, July 3, 2011

Trail angels by Mimi

Photo of trail angels Jim & Carrie
So, our first trail angel was Patty, in Sisters, OR, who let us camp in her yard and shower. Then there was Debra & Dale in Idaho, who let us use their guest rooms,shower, do laundry, loaned us their vehicle for errands, and fed us wonderful meals. Then there was Rob & Chelle from Missoula, who didn't flinch when we crashed their daughter's 2nd birthday party, instead warmly welcoming us into their home for showers,laundry,and meals. And lo and behold, while we were resting on the deck of a store in tiny Potomac, Montana, a woman named Carrie came up to us out of the blue and invited us to her home in Lincoln, 50 miles down the road. When we said we didn't think we were going to bike that far in one day, she said, "well, come for lunch tomorrow!" so we did!
Like Fred says, you'd never have all these people talking to you if you drove in in a car..
It's really fun traveling by bike!

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