Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Wild night in Minnesota

We left Fargo in the early afternoon after having new back tires installed at a bike shop. We rode as far as Downer and as it was late and hot. Mimi went into a store/bar and asked if we could sleep on the lawn. They were happy to let us so we set up camp and returned to the coolness of the bar to relax and drink beer. Late in the evening we retired to our tents and then at about 3 AM we were aroused by a storm of at least hurricane size. Thunder and lightening and owind and our tents seemed ready to blow away. The employee at the bar, Jeff, and his son came out in the middle of the storm and invited us into the store where weo rode out the storm drinking coffee and watching our tents fill up with water. Everything is wet and we are drying out in the bar. We are using their washer and dryer and Internet. Once again we are so impressed by the kindness of strangers.


  1. Mimi, Jim and Fred..
    I have found it quite interesting to listen to and read your stories. I have wondered, since Tuesday, how things have been going for you guys. Thank you for leaving the note so we can keep up with you, I will try to check in periodically.
    Good luck and ride safe!

    Jeff @ The Mainline Bar & Grill - Downer, Mn

  2. Thanks, Jeff! So glad you found us both physically AND on our blog. We are really grateful for all you did for us..
